Expedia Hotels, Flights & Car Rental Travel Deals

by techanil79
Expedia Hotels, Flights & Car Rental Travel Deals

Exclusive savings on hotels, flights, cars, and travel for the ultimate travel experience. Book your hotels, flights, rental cars, things to do and bundle deals on the app and get 2x Expedia Rewards points! Over 500,000+ hotels worldwide including some of the best hotels in the US, including boutique hotels, luxury hotels, airport hotels, hostels, B&Bs and resorts. From planning to booking, the Expedia App is designed to enhance your travel. Save with mobile-exclusive hotel deals and stay one step ahead with flight, hotel and car alerts and view your trip details anytime, anywhere. Save big when booking bundle deals: - Select your perfect hotel and ideal flight - Keep an eye out for Unreal Deals - View your flight and hotel details together and marvel at all you’ve saved

image of username techanil79 Flag of India Dehradun, India

About Me

I am enthusiastic, dedicated, and intelligent freelancer, love to do coding, and flexible with timing. My Vision : The Fast speed with High Quality to achieve 100% Clients Satisfaction! I have done Master in Computers Application from Deemed University in 2006. Backend Technologies: - Java SpringBoot Microservices Ruby on Rails, Nodejs, Expressjs, Java, Php. Front End Technologies: - Angularjs, Reactjs, Vuejs, Html, html5, css, Css3, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap. Api’s Integration:- Google Map, Google Calendar, AWS Api’s. Communication tools: - Skype, Slack, Twilio, Trello, Teamviewer(TV). Project management tool: - SVN, Git, Bitbucket, Github. Hosting Server: - Linux Server, Heroku, Amazon AWS. Payment Gateway Integration:- Paypal, Strip, Paytm, Skrill.

$30 USD/hr

38 reviews
